Earlier this week Adolfo's dog, Bailey, came and stayed for a few days. She was in town to get spayed.

When she left, Bowser was really sad. I think he was a little smitten.
John and I went to the post office to send this card priority mail because we were also sending Adolfo the blood pressure medicine he left in our bathroom. I waited and waited and waited for Adolfo to say something to me about the card or to thank me for sending him his medication. Nothing! But then almost two weeks later, the package was back on our porch. Non-deliverable due to Insufficient Address. WHAAAAT???!!! John called Adolfo and read the address from the package to him over the phone. Adolfo's response was "I don't understand - that's my address!" We made a complaint to the post office but they said they couldn't do anything for us without seeing the address we wrote on the package. By the time they got back to us with that totally unhelpful response, I had already sent the package with a friend who happened to be driving up to visit Adolfo that weekend. Adolfo called me when he opened the package - he totally loved the card. :-)Some things have been bothering us lately regarding the receipt of our mail-
Our mail has been arriving later and later every day and things that I order using 2-day shipping have been arriving 3 or 4 days later. I remember I once ordered a DVD for a class using Next-Day Shipping. According to the tracking info, the package went from New York to Dallas the same day I ordered it. The next day it went from Dallas to Nacogdoches where it apparently sat for FOUR days before I got notification in my post office box that it had arrived. By then, I had already rented the movie and started the essay I was writing on it.
Is it me or is the Nac postal service just not cutting it?
(Interesting movie, by the way: Lucia, Lucia)